Compound effect: Why should you never underestimate the power of compounding.

Domino effect: 🁭🁯 Do you know about the domino effect? If you know about it, then we'll done if you don't then let me explain. So, in the book 'The One Thing' by Gary Keller. He mentions that " In 1983, Lorne Whitehead wrote in the American Journal of Physics that he’d discovered that domino falls could not only topple many things, but they could also topple bigger things. He described how a single domino is capable of bringing down another domino that is actually 50 per cent larger. " You won't understand the power of the domino effect by a simple definition so let me explain it to you. Consider a domino 2 inches tall. So according to the definition, a domino can bring down another domino which is 50 percent larger. So the 2-inch domino can bring down a 3-inch domino and the 3-inch domino can bring down a 4.5-inch domino.  It's a geometric progression and you will be surprised to know that the 17th domino can topple a domino almost the size of the L

Why it is hard to self-improve?

Many people start self development with the hopes of improving their lives and achieving their personal goals whether it be earning more money, having a six pack, more attractive face, getting the notice of the opposite gender and so on. 

But the reality is, only a few will be able to continue self improvement because it is so fu%king hard. In order to self improve one needs a lot of discipline and needs to stay away from distractions in order to achieve that goal. Honestly speaking, I also can't keep up with self improvement at times. I too fail to eat clean, I miss some workouts, I forget to do my skin-care routine,I don't even want to write these blogs at times. I just want to waste my time.

Some of the excuses that I give 

I am no superman and I too give a lot of excuses. 

Whenever some of my relatives come to visit, I just suspend all of my tasks and spend time with them. Although it's a good thing to have relations with family members but I am certain that I can easily have good social life even if I reduce my time with them. 

Another most prominent excuse that I give to myself is 'I am too young'. In my head I always tell myself that 'Hey dude you are just 15 years old, go enjoy your life, spend time with friends, there's no point in exercising right now and working on this blog, go out and enjoy' and all that other stuff but then I tell myself that although I am struggling right now but later on I will have a better life.

The main reasons why people struggle during self improvement 

People are afraid of change 

People are so used to doing the same stuff everyday that now they are afraid of any change. People just don't want to get out of their comfort zones. Let's explain it with examples: People won't exercise because they don't want to get out of their bed and exercise. They won't eat clean because they don't want to leave those tasty junk food, they won't read because they just don't want to leave some time off their phones. People are just don't have that will power to get out of their comfort zones and do the hard work.


 Some do not care enough to put an effort to improve themselves. This is the problem with 90% of the population who have ever thought of changing themselves. People do want to change but they don't have the will power to do so. They are just to lazy to do the hard work. People are too lethargic to get put of bed and do some exercise. If you are reading this article then stop reading it and start doing 20 pushups. Just go and do it. Don't wait for motivation.

If you haven't don't it thay please don't read any further. 

Waiting for motivation 
So many people wait for motivation. They will wait for the right moment. They will sit back and think, 'once I have the money I will start my business' and won't work on his dreams for months or even years. Many people start to study only after they have the motivation.  

They will watch motivational videos on youtube and sit to study. They will watch a motivational video on exercising then go to exercise. These type of people are the ones who wonder how successful people like Dwayne Johnson are so motivated. But in reality they are not motivated, they just force themselves to do the hard work.

Listen no successful person is motivated all the time they just force themselves to do the hard work and slowly the motivation to complete the task kicks in. I too didn't had the motivation to start writing this blog and was listening to a podcast because that is easy to do but I just forced myself to write this article and now I have the motivation to complete this blog. 

If you forget everything you learnt from this blog then just remember this thing ' The hardest part is to start doing the work and everything else is easy'.

People are addicted to their comfort zone. Pull them out of the comfort zone, they will be so frustrated or angry or depressed that they would want to creep back again in their comfort zone. People watch TV all night after work, will eat junk food because it's easily accessible, won't exercise or read and then they will complain that their life isn't so good as others. 

People will complain about their shit life because that's easier than doing the hard work. So instead of complaining go ahead and do the hard work in order to improve your life.

Now, let’s look at how you combat these issues.

    Challenge your Ego 
 Humans are emotional. We really never want to hurt our ego but the truth is we need to hurt our ego to grow. We need to be a beginner in the gym in order to be a pro lifter in future,we need to start from scratch in order to build an empire (not necessary from scratch btw). If you want to improve you need to start doing small things instead of doing many things in order to bring massive changes. Many people want to change their lives from day 1 onwards but it's not possible unless you have David Goggins like willpower. You need to start doing small good habits liking drinking water instead of coke and not 'I will completely cut out junk food from tomorrow'. You need to aim for doing a 5 min stretch instead of a 2 hour long workout. You need to go for a 5-10 min walk instead of running a marathon. Start small and slowly the results will compound and will give you massive results. This is actually the power of compound effect.

    Know why you need the change 

Many lose interest while they are improving their habits. This is because they simply don’t know why should they do it? So, ask yourself as to why should you learn a new language? Why should you lose some weight? If you could answer these questions with numbers and specifics, you will be able to set a target for yourself. For example, you currently weigh 95 Kgs and you would want to lose 15 kgs by end of this year. Your mind will automatically respond to this.

    Rejoice in smallest of your victories 
Success is often incorrectly perceived as something which brings a monumental change. Somebody turns a millionaire overnight or by age of 25 is defined as success. Somebody gets muscular in a span of 6 months could be defined as success. But my question is why can you not define success as the single word you learnt in the new language? I rejoice even when I have learn something miniscule. Because such learnings could contribute later when I am working on something bigger.

Look, a monumental success won't come overnight so it's essential for you to enjoy every mini success you get along the way. Doing this will keep you motivated during your journey to success.

Do not lose hope
You need to understand the fact that being successful takes time. You need patience. When I say this, I mean incredible amount of patience. So do not lose hope and more importantly do not divert yourself from the path you laid out in the first place. 

I don't see my blogs getting much views but I am still working on it and I haven't lost hope because I know that one day my blog will have millions of viewers every month.

Work out practical solutions 

Now, you cannot just suddenly quit your addictions/habits. It is alright and it is practical. So do not be afraid, nobody will judge you. For example, your mastubration addiction can be reduced as you move ahead in time. If you stop suddenly, you will be more intrigued to get back to the addiction.

 No shortcut to success 

When people are at the peak, nobody cares how they reached there. So understand the fact that to reach your pinnacle you have to literally struggle. But once you are on the top, your hardwork will be ignored. What will matter at the end of the day is where you are.

Now how you will perceive these pointers and how will you draw up the path to your own success is in your hands. So be mindful. Learn the pros and cons because you only live once.

And as always "Do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it".

Do read my other blogs cause they are also interesting. 


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