Before telling you about anything let me tell you about the difference between a high value man and a low value man. Also stay till the end because I will teach you how to calculate your Sexual Market Value.
A low value man is just the average Joe. He goes to the office to work at a job that he doesn't like, comes home and eats shit food, masturbates everyday, doesn't even think of hitting the gym because he is scared that he will get too big. He also doesn't earn that much money.
On the other hand a high value man has his own business or a 9-5 job that he likes, comes home and goes to the gym to hit a good workout, eats clean because he wants to stay healthy, doesn't even need to masturbate because girls are thirsting for him in his dms. He also earns a decent money.
So this is the basic difference between the daily life of a high value man and a low value man.
What is SMV (Sexual Market Value)?
SMV (Sexual Market Value) is the currency of the modern dating world. It's just the measure of how much you bring to the table.
Low value men usually have a very low Sexual Market Value. In the order of 2-4 out of 10. But the majority are just a 3 or 2 out of 10.
In order to be considered a High Value Male your SMV should be around 5-10 depending on the country you live in. If you live in a poor or underdeveloped country then you just need to be a 5 out of 10 in order to be considered high value. But that will not work in a developed country because the bar is set high in these areas.
In a poor country a man earning $30,000 a year may be considered high earner but in a developed country this amount will not be considered high. You must earn about $100,000 in order to be considered a high earner.
Major difference in the SMV (Sexual Market Value) of a male and a female
A women's sexual market value and a man's sexual market value are calculated completely differently.
A woman's Sexual Market Value is only dependent on her 'Beauty' and 'Physique'. Also 'Personality' is also a big factor in determining a woman's Sexual Market Value. A woman may be hot but she will be a turn off if she doesn't have a good personality.
A girl earning 6 figures a year won't help in increasing her Sexual Market Value because most of the males don't even care about that stuff.
So men are only attracted to three qualities in a female (I am not considering any exceptions here).
Women on the other hand are attracted to a wide range of stuff. They are attracted by the money that a man has, the looks, the way he dresses, his behaviour, his status, his body, his voice and lot more stuff.
So generally speaking it's just the Looks, Money, Body and Personality.
Women are gifted by mother nature but men aren't
Most women you see around you are gifted by mother nature. Most of the women are beautiful. Most of them have good personalities so that's why their Sexual Market Value is quite high.
Whereas men aren't gifted by mother nature. Most men are born broke, ugly, without any body and personality. So men need to work hard in order to increase our Sexual Market Value.
Also here I am generalising most of the stuff. I too know that there are some girls who don't look good and also there are some guys who have top tier genetics so they become 6 foot 2 chad. I am not talking about these people. I am talking about the average people who are not gifted by genetics.
Famous graph of Rollo Tomassi
There is a famous graph in the red pill .are by Rollo Tomassi which shows at what age do men and women reach their peak Sexual Market Value.
In this graph you can clearly see that women reach their peak Sexual Market Value at the age of 22- 23 and then maintain it for a few years and then they fall off quickly.
But as you can see a man's Sexual Market Value is very low in the starting years. It is grows very consistently with age but shows a steady increase after the ages of 30 and that's when men start getting paid more in jobs and then they reach their peak at around 36-37 and an interesting thing to note about men is that their Sexual Market Value declines very slowly ( this is generally due to age) whereas a woman's Sexual Market Value goes down very steeply.
This graph is very accurate because in the next photo you will see something interesting.
You see here that all men find women at the age of around 20-24 attractive. Regardless of how old they themselves are. This is so obvious because a women's Sexual Market Value reaches it peak at the ages of around 22-23 so it's in this age that she looks her best and has a lot of men chasing after her.
Don't worry guys we can improve our Sexual Market Value
After reading the above paragraph you are probably sad because you are just wondering that a girl's are lucky to have their beauty given to them.
But wait guys there's a disadvantage to that too. Just as they see a meteoric rise in their Sexual Market Value thay too see a meteoric decline in their sexual market value. That's why most women after a certain age are worried about finding the perfect man for themselves because deep down they know that their beauty will only last for a short time.
Also a woman's Sexual Market Value is set in stone. Although they can improve it to some extent but she can never go from a 1 to a 10 just like a man.
I have a detailed article about how you can go from a 1 to a 10 so
do check it out.
So that's the biggest advantage that a man has over a female. A man can go from a 1 to a 10 but a female can't. Also his peak lasts for a much longer time until he starts declining.
Also remember that this equation works for men:
More smv = more women.
How is Sexual Market Value calculated?
Now to the main part of the article 'How to calculate your Sexual Market Value?'
Before calculating I will just assume that you are a man because I have only written about men here.
So I have already told once above that the main factors that influence a man's worth is his looks, money, body and personality.
These are according to me the four basic things which determine a man's self worth. You can also add other stuff like status, knowledge etc.
But according to me looks, money, body and personality are the four basic.
Now let's see how you can calculate your Sexual Market Value.
Looks are very important in a man's Sexual Market Value because it's obvious that a man who looks good gets treated better by others.
You should rate your looks on the scale of 1 to 10 by the following ways:
Consider a scale of 1 to 10
In this scale 10 is the most attractive man (eg. Zayn Malik)
9 is also a very attractive man just behind the most attractive man.
8 is a very attractive actor consider Ryan Gosling.
7 is a model
6 is an instagram influencer
5 is the most attractive guy in your locality
4 is the most attractive guy in your friend circle
So it is obvious that most guys (I mean average) fall in 3
Now to make the picture more clear here's a picture of whom girls consider to be an average looking man:
If you are better than him than consider ranking yourself higher.
It's easy to rate bodies because according to me the body of Mike Thurston is just the absolute best.
This is a 10 out of 10 body for me.
Now here's the body of a guy whom I will consider 6 out of 10.
If you have a worse physique then him then rate yourself lower or if you have a better physique then him then rate yourself higher.
Easy way to rank yourself is:
10: if you are a billionaire
9: if your earn 100s of millions
8: If your earn 10s of millions
7: if it's 1-10 million
6: if it's 6 figures
Yeah now you get my point
Rank yourself less if you are not at these marks.
I know it's a bit ruthless but that's real life
You can't measure personality directly so ask your closest friends about your personality. Tell them to tell you the absolute truth.
Then rate yourself on the basis of that.
Now you have got all the details and now the final step you need to do is to find the average.
If you are a 6 in looks, a 7 in body, 5 in money and 4 in personality then your average is
(6+7+5+4)÷4 = 5.5.
So your sexual market value would be 5.5.
If you add another factor suppose status so instead of dividing by 4 you will divide it by 5.
You know how to find the average right?
So that's how you get to know your Sexual Market Value.
Let's find out my Sexual Market Value:
This is how I look. Probably better than an average guy so I just rate myself a 5 out of 10.
So in the Sexual Market I am just a 5 out of 10 in looks.
This was my physique 3 months ago (probably better than an average 15 yr old). Now my chest is bigger (actually I forgot to take photos of my body). So I just rate my body a 6 out of 10.
I don't earn any money so it's 0 out of 10 🤣🤣🤣. I am really being honest with you guys.
I would rate myself a 4 out of 10 in personality. Just because I don't consider myself to be so charismatic.
So my Sexual market value is :
= 3.75.
That's better than an average guy!
So here's my Sexual Market Value. It still means that I am still a low value man.
Comment your Sexual Market Value after you have found it out.
Lol this is so terrible