Compound effect: Why should you never underestimate the power of compounding.

Domino effect: 🁭🁯 Do you know about the domino effect? If you know about it, then we'll done if you don't then let me explain. So, in the book 'The One Thing' by Gary Keller. He mentions that " In 1983, Lorne Whitehead wrote in the American Journal of Physics that he’d discovered that domino falls could not only topple many things, but they could also topple bigger things. He described how a single domino is capable of bringing down another domino that is actually 50 per cent larger. " You won't understand the power of the domino effect by a simple definition so let me explain it to you. Consider a domino 2 inches tall. So according to the definition, a domino can bring down another domino which is 50 percent larger. So the 2-inch domino can bring down a 3-inch domino and the 3-inch domino can bring down a 4.5-inch domino.  It's a geometric progression and you will be surprised to know that the 17th domino can topple a domino almost the size of the L

Meditation- you have high expectations

Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have -- Buddha

If you are reading this blog then I am certain that you have done meditation or are keen about learning meditation. Although there is a very little chance that you got here randomly.

In this blog I am going to tell you about a very common mistake which many people make. Many people start meditation so as to get supernatural powers like telepathy, looking future, astrology etc. but this leads to discouragement because normally meditation does not lead to this. Meditation is just a tool to train our mind to be present at the moment and that is known as mindfulness.

Mindfulness itself is a skill which is no less than a superpower. If you are mindful then you don't think about the future or past, you enjoy the preent moment. Many people including me just dwell on past mistakes and tasks to be done in future which leads to stress. But mindfulness cures this problem because then we are just present and enjoy each and every moment.

Achieving peace through a mindful state using meditation should be a goal for people but they seem to overcomplicate things due to which they never meditate consistently.

Another aspect where people overestimate is the results. People do not have patience and it leads to disappointment among them since they did not get the results after 3-4 sessions. See! Meditation is not a quick cure for all problems. Meditation although is a cure for many problems but the results do not kick in so early. I have been meditating consistently for 2 months but I haven't seen much results. But I have been able to stick to meditation because I have kept the bar of expectations very low and I am patient.

So do not put so much expectations on meditation and just meditate consistently. I promise the results will kick in soon.

By this article I am in no means telling you that don't do meditation instead I am telling you that do meditation but be patient and do not have other worldy expectations since you will always be disappointed if you have so high expectations of achieving super natural expectations.

Have patience kiddos!

Blog made by Ayon.


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