Compound effect: Why should you never underestimate the power of compounding.

Domino effect: 🁭🁯 Do you know about the domino effect? If you know about it, then we'll done if you don't then let me explain. So, in the book 'The One Thing' by Gary Keller. He mentions that " In 1983, Lorne Whitehead wrote in the American Journal of Physics that he’d discovered that domino falls could not only topple many things, but they could also topple bigger things. He described how a single domino is capable of bringing down another domino that is actually 50 per cent larger. " You won't understand the power of the domino effect by a simple definition so let me explain it to you. Consider a domino 2 inches tall. So according to the definition, a domino can bring down another domino which is 50 percent larger. So the 2-inch domino can bring down a 3-inch domino and the 3-inch domino can bring down a 4.5-inch domino.  It's a geometric progression and you will be surprised to know that the 17th domino can topple a domino almost the size of the L

Why reading books is essential for self development


     Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

Many famous personalities read books such as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Mark Zuckerberg, Abraham Lincoln, Reese Witherspoon, Albert Einstein yeah you name it.

Bill Gates takes two weeks off a year to stay in a cabin and to read books and think about bigger goals.

Why do you think these people read books:

They read those books just because they knew the advantages of reading.
Some of those are:
1) Reading improves concentration and the ability to focus.
2) Reading is like exercise for the mind.
3) Reading reduces stress.
4) Reading increases general knowledge.
5) Reading develops imagination.
6) Reading books is also a kind of entertainment.

Why is reading books essential for self development?

If you are into holistic self development then you probably read books because in holistic self development we try to improve every aspect of our life viz.
1) Money
2) Looks
3) Body
4) Knowledge
5) Personality
6) Body language

Now, I would like to tell you an example:
Suppose you are on self development and you improve only your looks and body by doing facial exercises, orthotropics, mewing and workouts. But never read a simple book then you will just be an attractive guy who can't rub two brain cells together and that's not good.

Reading will provide you knowledge and will make you an interesting person because now you will have more to speak.
(No one loves a jacked bitch who only knows about workout and supplements). Nowadays society doesn't want only physical strength, they also want mental strength and you can increase mental strength by reading books, of course!

How to start:

Now if you can't read a boring non-fiction book then it's fine, start with a story book or some comic books first. Atleast expose yourself to this book world, then slowly start reading the non-fiction books.

If you even can't read those story books and absolutely hate books then start reading book summaries online or read atleast 1 page of a book a day. Book summaries are more preferable because they are much shorter than actual books and provide a good amount of information.

If you even can't read those then listen to an audio book. Now if you are really a dumba*s then start watching animated book summaries in YouTube. I think that's the lowest level you can get but still provide good information and you spend time on YouTube more productively instead of watching some youtubers playing Minecraft all day.

Start small then progress slowly!


  1. Great blog man. Just like to add some points:
    make sure you take decent amount of notes for a non fiction book you are reading and to also reread book you have already read that will help for memory In general just want to put that out there.


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