Compound effect: Why should you never underestimate the power of compounding.

Domino effect: 🁭🁯 Do you know about the domino effect? If you know about it, then we'll done if you don't then let me explain. So, in the book 'The One Thing' by Gary Keller. He mentions that " In 1983, Lorne Whitehead wrote in the American Journal of Physics that he’d discovered that domino falls could not only topple many things, but they could also topple bigger things. He described how a single domino is capable of bringing down another domino that is actually 50 per cent larger. " You won't understand the power of the domino effect by a simple definition so let me explain it to you. Consider a domino 2 inches tall. So according to the definition, a domino can bring down another domino which is 50 percent larger. So the 2-inch domino can bring down a 3-inch domino and the 3-inch domino can bring down a 4.5-inch domino.  It's a geometric progression and you will be surprised to know that the 17th domino can topple a domino almost the size of the L

Good things take time

I will start the article with an example.

Let there be two guys Trevor and Noah. Both of them want to attract girls but they both take completely opposite ways. Both of them are in their teens but both live a very different life.

Trevor's lifestyle is just like all the other teens. He goes out to parties, eats junk food(like me), goes to birthdays, does not exercise or meditate. Trevor has no intention of improving his life because no one among his friends does it.

Trevor also suffers from depression, looks like shit, has a really bad acne, is skinny, does not have a lot of knowledge and has a terrible hairstyle.

Trevor always tries to attract girls and so he chases after them and in turn girls call him a freak. Trevor attends every party in an attempt to get a girlfriend but fails miserably everytime.

Unlike Trevor, Noah goes to bed early and wakes up early, he does his homework properly. Although he attends some parties but he does not go into every party possible.

Noah believes that in order to attract high quality women, he himself needs to be high quality, so he works on himself. 

Noah goes to the gym, eats clean, has a good facial routine, has a good dressing sense and now he is attracting almost every girl in his school.

But this didn't happen overnight. It took him months to get to this level and notice the results but was it worth it. Yes! Absolutely yes!

Good things take time

                    Photo by Kübra G.

Now it's time for the lesson. 
Look the world ain't so easy. To get something you need to sacrifice some other thing and for a long period of time before you begin to see some results.

You can't get a good body if you just sit near your television all day and munch on snacks. You need to cut out that time and reinvest it to exercising and you need to do it for a long period of time because good things take time. But is it worth the effort? Yes! Absolutely yes!

If you have an habit of eating junk food you probably have a terrible skin. But if you cut out junk food and replace it with healthy food you will see your skin improving gradually and your gut health getting better. But it takes time because 'good things take time'. But is it worth the effort? Yes! Absolutely yes!

If you have an habit of staying up till late night you will have bags under your eyes. But if you eradicate staying up till late and sleep a little longer you will notice that the bags under your eyes disappearing. Will it happen in a day? No, because good things take time. Is it worth the effort? Yes! Absolutely yes!

If you have a habit of mindlessly using your phone during studies (I have this habit 😭). Will your grades improve? No, but if you use that time to study properly,now will your grades improve? Yes, but your grades will not improve in a day it will take time because 'good things take time'. Is it worth the effort? Yes! Absolutely yes! (I am trying to follow it too😃)

The point of 'good things take time'

I guess you have got my point after I have explained you with so many examples. If you start your journey of self improvement do not expect any result during the first few months. Be patient and always assume that results will take some time. Think that 'result' is a slow bit*h and it takes time to catch up. 

During your self development journey if you think that you do not see any results then you should tell yourself that you haven't put that much work yet or just say 'good things take time'. 

Delayed gratification

This entire post is actually about delayed gratification.

Delayed gratification activities are those activities which do not provide fun at the moment but provides a sense of fulfillment later on.

An example would be, completing your homework or assignment. You don't get any enjoyment when you do your homework or assignment, but after sometime when you have completed that task you feel a sense of relief and accomplishment.

I too do not feel too good while I write these blog post but after I have finally written and published my post I feel a sense of accomplishment and it's a good thing.

Another incident where I tell myself that 'good things take time' is when I check my stats for my blog and I don't see any views on my blogs. I feel disappointed at first but then I just tell myself that I haven't worked on my website for that long period of time and also I tell to myself the quote 'good things take time'. This quote has enabled me to publish posts even if I don't see any views on my posts. 


Use this 'good things take time' quote as an inspiration to carry on with your self development journey and to not get disheartened when you don't see the results because 'good things take time'.


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