Inspiration from
life hack
I was just reading an article in life hack about how can someone improve all the time and I was really motivated by that article.
Let's give you a brief about what I learnt:
In the
article the author Kris Sturmney the founder of
1stman has told about how can one improve 24 hours a day.
I was very inspired by that article that it's even possible to improve 24 hours a day and I thought let's tell you guys about it.
In the article Kris tells tells us how an average 9-5 worker can improve his day.
But here I will write about the 9-5 worker, entrepreneur and a student like me.
How can a 9-5 worker improve his day:
Wake up: You wake up and without using your phone with a glass of water ready beside your bed. This benefits health and energy.
Morning: You go for a 20 minute walk or run while listening to a podcast or audiobook. Then you return home and prepare a herbal tea. The entire time you make sure that your tongue is on the roof of your mouth so that your facial structure improves over time.
Then you hop on to shower and your shower has a water filter to prevent harmful chemicals and use a natural soap to keep your testosterone levels high. Then have a good breakfast to start your day.
Morning part 2: On your way to work you can listen to podcasts or audiobooks to improve your knowledge or you may learn a new language.
At work you’re forced to get on with your day, but this is fine because it’s increasing your wealth, bringing you closer to major assets and perhaps taking you closer to a promotion. This is all career and financial based. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t chew that gum or get that tongue on the roof of your mouth again. And don’t forget to breathe deeply. You may have your own stuff from home at work, such as your own natural herbs. Mix them up and have a drink, avoid the coffee, this will benefit your health furthermore.
At lunch everyone is going to the burger van around the corner, but you opt for a healthy option and go for a 15-minute walk instead. You’re improving your health once again. You get back to the office and feel a little stressed, if you’re lucky you have your own space and can sit back listening to a guided meditation. This cancels out the stress, makes you perform better and reduces the risk of health concerns.
Back to home: On your way back home you can listen to podcasts or audiobooks or teachings of great personalities. This will improve your knowledge.
When you reach home you prepare a healthy meal, hop on your gym clothes and head to the gym. While you exercise you can listen to some learning material like those from
TedX. After you head back home you shower and relax.
Relax: You can even improve while relaxing. You can meditate, or read some book. This will improve your mind and knowledge.
After so much self improvement, you may be tired and now it's the time for some gaming or TV. But you can still improve while doing these activities. You can chew a tough gum to improve your jaw strength or place your tongue on the top of your mouth in order to improve your facial structure over time. You may also have some family time and during these times you can practice eye contact with your family members and really focus on what you are speaking.
Sleep: You can even improve while sleeping. Don't sleep on your back as it's a very bad posture to sleep. Sleep on your side and sleep before 12 am and get a good amount of rest (atleast 6 hours).
You may make some changes to fit your life
Gradually over time you will notice changes in your life and will thank
me or
Kris for this.
How can an entrepreneur improve his day:
Since you are an entrepreneur so you don't have a fixed schedule so it's important for you to create a routine and follow it as closely as possible.
You may follow almost the same routine given above to improve your day but here are some changes you can make.
Since you do not have any time structure regarding when you must enter your office and when you must leave so you have more flexibility. But you should create a routine regarding when you should enter your office and when you should leave so that you can follow the exact routine given above.
So if you are an entrepreneur so you must form a daily routine and stick to it in order to improve your day.
How can students improve their day:
Morning: You wake up and brush your teeth and do some
journaling in order to give a good start to your day. Also drink a glass of water.
You may either workout or you may study for atleast an hour. After studying go ahead and have a shower and after having a shower wear your uniform and eat a good breakfast and then go for school.
At school/College/University: On your way to School/College/University focus on your breathing and keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth for improving your facial structure.
During school hours study properly, focus on what your teacher says and whenever you talk to someone aim to have a good eye contact.
After school: After school have your lunch and if you have other classes then you should go and attend them. All of this time remember to keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth. If you don't have classes then you may go to exercise (only if you don't exercise during the day) . Then you sit down to meditate and after meditation sit down to study. Aim to study atleast 3 hours without using your phone (if you need it then it's okay). You will notice great changes in the course of time. Then have your dinner.
Sleep: After dinner you may enjoy TV, games for a while or go to sleep. But always sleep before 12 am and you should aim to have atleast 6 hours of sleep.
In this way a student can improve his day.
Student's can also follow the complete routine or make some changes to it to fit their day or even make their own routine.
But not having a y routine will only lead to your downfall over time. So be careful!
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