Compound effect: Why should you never underestimate the power of compounding.

Domino effect: 🁭🁯 Do you know about the domino effect? If you know about it, then we'll done if you don't then let me explain. So, in the book 'The One Thing' by Gary Keller. He mentions that " In 1983, Lorne Whitehead wrote in the American Journal of Physics that he’d discovered that domino falls could not only topple many things, but they could also topple bigger things. He described how a single domino is capable of bringing down another domino that is actually 50 per cent larger. " You won't understand the power of the domino effect by a simple definition so let me explain it to you. Consider a domino 2 inches tall. So according to the definition, a domino can bring down another domino which is 50 percent larger. So the 2-inch domino can bring down a 3-inch domino and the 3-inch domino can bring down a 4.5-inch domino.  It's a geometric progression and you will be surprised to know that the 17th domino can topple a domino almost the size of the L

Motivation: how to stay motivated all the time

You wake up one morning with a lot of motivation to change your life and start the day with a head start.

Slowly your motivation decreases throughout the day and then you don't feel like working anymore and go on YouTube to watch some entertainment videos.

Sadly, you can't stay motivated all day but there's an alternative to it which you will get to know after you have read the entire blog.

What is motivation?

Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what causes you to act.

Different techniques people use to remain motivated:

1) Watch some motivational videos: Although motivational videos do inspire you to work but their effect is temporary and also if we watch too many motivational videos we just get resistant towards those videos. Then those videos don't seem to inspire us.

2) Motivational quotes: Many people search motivational quotes in google. Many even put them as their WhatsApp dp or WhatsApp status but they also don't even work.

3) Self-motivation: You can motivate yourself by talking to yourself infront of the mirror. I personally do it a lot but it's effect is also temporary. So self motivation also does not seem to work.

4) Motivation speech: Many people watch motivational speeches but look they are just a waste of time. This is also a short term approach. 

You probably saw that all those approach taken by people to stay motivated is nothing but just a failure.

So what should you do to stay motivated all the time. 

Sadly you can't remain motivated all the time.

But there's a good news for you.

You only need motivation because you just want to complete your daily tasks and move towards your goals right?

So your main problem is to complete your daily tasks. So instead of waiting for motivation to strike in do these simple things:

#make an habit of doing the hard things even if you don't feel like it

I use this technique a lot. Whenever I just don't feel like writing a blog post or exercising then I just don't sit and wait for motivation.  I just jump out of bed and start writing or exercising. At the beginning I won't feel good but slowly I will have the motivation to complete a whole blog post or a whole workout. 

This is a very underrated technique because it has really helped me to be consistent with my blog posts and my workouts. 

I give you a challenge.  If you are at your house then stop reading the article here itself and go ahead and tidy up your bed or if your bed is already tidy then tidy up your room. Just do it even if you don't have any motivation to do it. 

If you are still reading then go! Go ahead and tidy up your bed or room!

If you have tidied up your bed or room then congratulations! You have just acted without any motivation. This is the secret to being motivated all day but the irony is that you can't remain motivated all day you have to act despite if you have the motivation to do it or not.

Next time whenever you don't have the motivation to do a certain task then don't just go ahead and watch a motivational video or motivational speech for half an hour. Just go ahead and do that task even if you don't have the motivation to do it. Because trust me the motivation will kick in later on. 

#make a daily routine

Go ahead and write a routine and write what you need to do at each time of the day. You need not follow the routine 100% but atleast you should try to aim for 60%.

If you aim for 100% each day then I guarantee you won't be able to follow your routine because real life is never according to one's expectations. 

How will making a routine help?
Suppose you don't feel like studying because you don't have the motivation but in your daily routine you have written that you need to study at that particular time then using the above principle of  'doing the hard things especially when you don't feel like it' go ahead and sit down to study. After 15 minutes you will find that you somewhat have the motivation to study. 

Also having a daily routine helps you to save a lot of mental energy because you don't have to think and waste your energy on what you should do next.

#make a daily to-do list

Make a list of all the tasks that you need to do. Write them in the order of most important to least important. Try to complete the most important tasks no matter what. You will automatically find the motivation to complete that task within that particular day.

A quick tip from me. If you have written the to-do list on a paper then hung it on a wall or place it on your table where you can see it all the time and if you have written it on your phone then adjust the settings so that there's always a widget on on your home screen that shows you what are the tasks left to be done.

And whenever you finish a task go ahead and mark it as done as soon as possible and go ahead and perform your next task.

The thought of having a completed to-do list for a particular day will automatically drive you to perform a task without having the need of motivation. 

#improving your mental health

You won't believe how important this step is to remain motivated all day.
Most people have a shitty mental health and are just depressed.

A depressed dude has less energy and how will a guy with depression have motivation. It's just not possible.

Also if you are stressed then you are most likely to not perform a task and not follow your daily routine and also you won't complete your to-do list.

So inorder to improve your mental health only do these two things

These two practices are enough to improve your mental health.


You should have known by now that you can't remain motivated all the time and so you can't rely on motivation to complete your daily tasks and move towards the path of success.

Even if you do not follow all the steps but I request you to follow the first and last step because those two are the most important to achieve success.

Reminder: Having a good mental health is key because if you have a good mental health then you will wake up everyday with a good mood and if you have a good mood then everything goes well.

And always remember this phrase, 'DO THE HARD WORK ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE IT'. Whenever you don't have motivation just say this phrase and without thinking anything get to work because I have already repeated it many times that  'You can't remain motivated all the time.'


I personally use all of these steps and I do remain more motivated then all of my friends.

Although I am a 16 year old teenager but I personally think that I do more work than some adults.

I run a blog, write some articles on deepstash and post some pins on Pinterest. I am also studying and learning web development and also I workout almost everyday. 

I don't watch any web series or anime like most of my friends and many of my friends ask me how I remain motivated all day. 

Look, I am not telling this to brag or beat my own trumpet. I am telling you these to let you know that these steps do work in building the drive to do the work.

Also I am not always motivated. Not even Dwayne Johnson! But the key is to just show up everyday for work and let the motivation kick in by its own. 

I didn't had the motivation to write this article in the beginning but I just showed up to write and now I have a lot of motivation to complete this article. Even though I have to stay up till late night.

See, you can remain motivated everyday if you follow the steps given above with your heart and soul.

Hope you have a good day!

Read some of my other blogs


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